Welcome to the kitchen!

Welcome to the kitchen! If you, like me, have always wished you could cook more than ramen noodles and Kraft mac n' cheese, then follow me as I go on a cooking adventure!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Discovering New Foods

I grew up in a household full of picky eaters. So, for a long time, I myself was quite the picky eater. It wasn't my fault, I had never even tried half of the food offered to me at friends' houses and I was not about to eat something that looked weird! Anyway, as time went on, I began to become more open to trying new foods.

I'm still, at 22 years old, attempting to try all of those foods that I used to refuse and extend my taste buds as far as they will stretch. That being said, I just recently discovered that I am a huge fan of two things I used to say I was repulsed by--guacamole and sushi!

I was always turned off by the texture of guacamole and the general idea of sushi. However, I now can't imagine my life without them. So...what I would like to ask, and hopefully receive some suggestions for, what foods should a once-picky eater try next? I'm open to any and all suggestions! (Though I may still say no to some)

Comment away!